What We Do
We seek to invest in middle-market companies, providing not only capital but management expertise to enhance the value of the business. We are focused on established companies with profitable operations in stable or growing industries. We offer an attractive alternative to traditional exit options for sellers seeking to retire or pursue other interests.
Why Elm Grove Partners?
Energy: The intense drive and motivation of the Elm Grove Partners management team can reinvigorate an organization. We are tireless in our efforts to achieve growth.
Sophistication: Applying innovative business technologies and management techniques, we bring new perspectives and fresh ideas.
Experience: The carefully-crafted Elm Grove Partners Board of Advisors provides decades of experience in nearly every area of business.
Focus: Unlike many other investors, we are willing to assume senior management roles in the company—we will work directly to grow the business, not passively construct a portfolio of companies.
Alignment: We strive to structure transactions that align the interests of all parties so that we thrive when our partners thrive.
Integrity: Above all we value honesty and fair dealing. We look for it in a partner and we demand it of ourselves.